Hope By The Sea would like to wish everyone in recovery a gratitude-filled Thanksgiving. We understand that tomorrow’s holiday means something different to everyone, but being grateful is essential for men and women working a program.
Each day of sobriety is a gift worth being thankful for, and there are several ways one can show it during Thanksgiving. Volunteering to help out at your meeting house tomorrow is one way; reaching out your hand to someone with less time in another. Remind yourself of the people who were there for you when you were first getting sober and then pay it forward to the newcomer.
If this isn’t your first significant holiday in recovery, then it means you have some experience. You have the ability to help others navigate through the day and potentially prevent a peer from trudging into a risky situation that could result in a relapse.
It’s worth remembering that long-term recovery is only achieved by working together and helping out whenever someone requires assistance. If you see someone at meeting tomorrow who appears to be struggling, then walk up and ask them how they are doing.
Just showing that you care can be vital to such a person; they may share with you that they are contemplating drinking or drugging. Your words and kindness might be all that is standing between him or her and a relapse.
The Temptation to Isolate During Holidays
Again, not everyone looks at holidays the same way; for some, they can be a time that elicits unhappy memories. Those who are estranged from their loved one’s may feel cut off from the world during Thanksgiving. As such, they may feel an overwhelming desire to keep to one’s self tomorrow.
If the above paragraph rings true with you, then we implore you to reach out to your sponsor or another member of your homegroup. Tell him or her what you are experiencing. They will probably advise you avoid isolating over Thanksgiving, and that what you need is the opposite of alone time.
It’s essential to stay busy during any significant day of the year, and to keep close to your support network. Coming together with the people who are instrumental to your well-being is vital, and it will make you feel better about what’s lacking in your life today.
You may not have everything you want thus far in your journey, but it’s critical to hold onto hope. Each day in the program is one step closer to realizing a better life. Progress is a process, not a destination; those who keep doing the next right thing find what they are seeking, more times than not.
If you decide to isolate from your peers tomorrow, then you risk missing something important that could further your cause. “First thought wrong,” is often the case for people in early recovery. It’s typically a good practice to do the opposite of what you feel like doing during challenging times.
Hopefully, you have already made a schedule for tomorrow of the meetings and events you plan to attend. If not, please ask your peers if there is a sober Thanksgiving potluck or dinner taking place. Spending holidays around a table with others in recovery is a wonderful experience and it’s a chance to strengthen the bond with your support network.
Call Before You Fall
Holidays are rife with risky situations. Please call for help or get to a meeting if you struggle this Thanksgiving. Your support network is always there for you, no matter what.
If, for some reason, you experience a relapse and feel like you require professional assistance, please reach out to Hope By The Sea at your earliest convenience. Our dedicated team can help you get back on the road to lasting recovery.