Addiction of any kind is a complex disease, and the vast amount of information available can feel overwhelming. Whether you are personally struggling with a drug addiction or know someone who is, research and reality-based information can provide insight and context for the daily battle people with a drug addiction face. Documentaries can help.
If you’re wanting to gain more understanding about the world of drug addiction but don’t know where to start, this is the perfect list for you. We have compiled some of the top documentaries on drugs and drug addiction to aid in your journey of understanding drug addiction.
Take Your Pills (2018) – Netflix
From children in school to adults in the workforce, the populations who utilize Adderall are widespread and diverse. Originally designed for those diagnosed with ADHD to aid in focus and decrease restlessness, Adderall has been the go-to drug for children and adolescents who struggle with attention and hyperactivity. Despite the best efforts of prescribers, Adderall has quickly become one of the most abused substances amongst individuals looking for a “performance edge”. This documentary takes a close look at the history and impact that cognitive-enhancement drugs (such as Adderall) have had on our society as recreational use has become more prevalent.
Heroin(e) (2017) – Netflix
The realities of drug addiction and the effects it has on families and those who struggle with addiction can be harrowing. This documentary doesn’t shy away from showing the tragedy that is the opioid epidemic. Set in rural Appalachia, Heroin(e) follows the stories of three women in Huntington, West Virginia who are fighting to break the cycle of addiction. A bleak but insightful look into the cycles of addiction, lawlessness, and poverty, this documentary provides a vision of hope on the other side of drug addiction.
Recovery Boys (2018) – Netflix
Opioid addiction can feel isolating within society, so it’s vital to have a strong support system to walk the path to recovery with. Few documentaries tackle this subject matter. Recovery Boys follows the story of four men who are beginning to enter society on new terms: sobriety. After years of drug abuse, the challenges of navigating life become quickly evident. This documentary follows the lives of these men and offers compassion and hope for those dealing with drug addiction. Described as “an intimate look at the strength, brotherhood, and courage it takes to overcome addiction,” Recovery Boys sheds new light on the realities of addiction while instilling hope for a better tomorrow.
Warning: This Drug May Kill You (2017) – HBO Max
While a vast majority of individuals struggling with a drug addiction are obtaining drugs illegally, often opioid addiction begins with a legitimate prescription for painkillers. This documentary shows the direct impact these addictions have on the lives of those struggling with addiction and the people who surround them. Warning: This Drug May Kill You is not for the faint of heart and could be triggering for some, but the picture it paints will change the way you view addiction. From the beginnings of physical pain to the emotional pain left behind, this documentary will stay with you for years to come.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction and needs help, we are here for you. Contact us today for a confidential conversation about your treatment options.