outside of Hope by the Sea, addiction recovery and mental health facility
VA community care

Am I Eligible for VA Community Care?

Reading time: 2 minMembers of our armed forces are in a high-stress career that can leave them more vulnerable to mental and behavioral health issues. Whether you are

14 signs of liver damage

14 Signs of Liver Damage

Reading time: 3 minThe liver is in charge of multiple vital functions and is one of the most critical organs in the body. However, damage to this organ

Intergenerational Trauma

Do I Have Intergenerational Trauma?

Reading time: 2 minRecently, the phrase intergenerational trauma has begun appearing in major news headlines, and many people wonder if their family has experienced it. When learning about

suicide prevention awareness month

World Suicide Prevention Day

Reading time: 2 minIn the United States, there is a severe public health issue with suicide. Every 11 minutes, someone commits suicide. In California, for example, approximately 4,000

national recovery month 2022

Spread Awareness for National Recovery Month

Reading time: 3 minSeptember is National Recovery Month, an event brought about to raise public awareness about mental health and substance abuse recovery. As a part of this

overdose awareness

Overdose Awareness Day

Reading time: 2 minInternational Overdose Awareness Day is Aug. 31, and unfortunately, it’s more pertinent than ever to recognize the severity of our country’s overdose problem. Within the

signs of burnout

Signs of Burnout

Reading time: 3 minIn a 2020 press release, the American Psychological Association described stress as a national mental health crisis.1 For those working demanding jobs, completing programs of

what to say to a grieving friend

What to Say to a Grieving Friend

Reading time: 2 minGrief is a complex response to any form of bereavement, such as the death of a loved one, a job loss, the breakup of a

oxycodone withdrawal

Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms

Reading time: 2 minPeople who rely on oxycodone to manage pain should recognize that it’s an opioid, and therefore has a high potential for addiction and abuse. In