outside of Hope by the Sea, addiction recovery and mental health facility
what does fatigue feel like

What Does Fatigue Feel Like?

Reading time: 2 minFatigue is a feeling of constant exhaustion or weakness that can be physical, mental or a combination of both. If you wake up feeling drained, run out of

drug-induced mania

Drug-Induced Mania

Reading time: 2 minMania is a disruptive condition that involves an abnormally elevated mood, unrealistic beliefs and feelings of being invincible. While manic episodes are characteristic of illnesses

highly sensitive people

Highly Sensitive Person Traits

Reading time: 2 minUp to 20% of American adults meet the criteria for being highly sensitive people, which means they pick up on more internal and external stimuli

california sober

California Sober

Reading time: 2 min“California sober” is a term people use to describe quitting or tapering off some addictive substances while continuing to use others. For example, someone living

types of PTSD

Types of PTSD

Reading time: 2 minWhile trauma can affect anyone, not everybody processes frightening, upsetting or life-threatening events in the same way. Some people can deal with the aftermath of


Caffeine-Induced Anxiety

Reading time: 2 minIf you’re a regular coffee drinker, you’ve probably experienced the effects of consuming too much caffeine in one day. You may start to feel jittery,

learn the facts about mental illness graphic

Can Mental Illness Be Cured?

Reading time: 3 minMental illnesses are complex disorders that require specialized treatment. Each person’s experience with a mental health condition is different and can bring up questions and

self-diagnosis on the internet

Dangers of Self-Diagnosis on the Internet

Reading time: 2 minWith the vast amount of information available on the internet, more people turn to online resources when they feel unwell. Sometimes, this knowledge can help

does tricare cover therapy

Does TRICARE Cover Therapy?

Reading time: 2 minTRICARE, formerly known as the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, is the supplemental health care program for active-duty and retired military service