outside of Hope by the Sea, addiction recovery and mental health facility
mental health conversation

How are Mental Illnesses Diagnosed?

Reading time: 4 minMental illnesses affect people of all ages, genders, and races. There are factors that can increase the likelihood of a mental health disorder. However, these

BPD vs. bipolar disorder

BPD vs. Bipolar

Reading time: 2 minBipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder affect millions of American adults, and these two illnesses share similar traits, including dramatic mood swings and impulsive behavior.

mental health and substance abuse

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Reading time: 2 minSubstance use disorders often go hand in hand with a closely related mental health problem. Successfully treating these combined issues, known as a dual diagnosis,

binge drinking defined

What Is Binge Drinking?

Reading time: 2 minThough most Americans are aware of the scope of the opioid epidemic and how it has affected communities nationwide, fewer people realize that alcohol abuse

how to make sober friends

How to Make Sober Friends

Reading time: 2 minIf you’re starting a new phase of your life in addiction recovery, you’ll need to break some unhelpful habits and look at life from a

what causes stress

What Causes Stress?

Reading time: 2 minStress is your body’s physical, mental and emotional response to challenging circumstances and demands in your life. Though some stress – known as eustress –


What is IOP?

Reading time: 3 minMedical professionals have their own jargon like the pros in any field—a glossary of terms that the layperson seldom encounters, until you find yourself in

What Does an Abscess Look Like?

Abscesses from IV Drug Use

Reading time: 3 minIf you find a swollen, discolored spot on your skin, it may be a pimple or a blister. Or—especially if the bump appears near a