Family Issues & Suffering
Addiction can be the hardest on the loved ones of the person with the chemical dependency.
Our clients’ families frequently report some of these difficult experiences as a result of the drug abuse:
- A feeling of helplessness
- A sense of being victimized
- A sense of rejection
- Endless worry about the welfare of the addict
- Financial stress
Being overwhelmed by these emotions for months and years on end can be as damaging to someone physically and mentally as any other kind of physical or mental stress.
Approaching Family Issues for Lasting Recovery
To stop the suffering the drug abuse must stop for the long-term. Toward that end, it is best to address the above issues in a therapeutic environment like the one our facility offers during our intensive Family Program.
Addressing Denial through Therapeutic Activities
Alcoholic drinkers or those who are addicted to a drug can exhibit a level of denial that outside observers find unbelievable. “I don’t have a problem” and “I can quit when I want to” are common refrains said by those who are mentally and physically dependent on a drug. But the denial can also be supported and contributed to by family members who may also convince themselves that things are better than they are.
Addressing Codependency for Lasting Recovery
In almost all treatment cases, there inevitably is someone who enables the addictive behavior. This person is known as a codependent enabler. Codependency is defined as ‘excessive emotional reliance on a partner who requires support due to an illness or addiction.’
In short, the person who is enabling the behavior is getting validation and a sense of being needed that they subconsciously fear might disappear if their loved one stopped using drugs and/or alcohol.
This behavior should also be identified and addressed or the codependent family member may unwittingly behave in a manner that encourages a relapse after treatment.