discussion in addiction recovery
“Thank you so much for all you did to make our Family Weekend so informative, encouraging, and equipping. I feel like I understand the battle of alcoholism so much better.
Placing our son in a rehab facility was a blessing and answer to prayer. He had realized on his own that he was not equipped or able to overcome his addiction alone, or with our help. He needed tools. When we walked into HBTS, we literally could sense a peace and love that enveloped us both and indeed, gave us hope. I remember just feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. We were in the right place. Our son was going to be loved, counseled and helped. We were going to be able to learn how to help him and ourselves. It was an answer to prayer beyond what we could ever imagined.
The staff at HBTS are so kind and loving, but they are also amazingly educated and able to communicate difficult concepts about addiction that have been incredibly helpful.
We will recommend HBTS to people whose hearts are broken by the effects of addiction. For our son and for us, we have felt like we have been at war with an enemy without any weapons in which to fight back. We have the weapons now and his heart is being encouraged to face this battle – one day at a time – for a lifetime. He has been given sincere love and encouragement and it means a lot to someone who is facing an uncertain future that can seem overwhelming.
We thank God for HBTS and pray for each of the people that walk through your doors to find the same healing and hope our son is finding.”
“I was thinking just today how I wanted to email someone there to thank you all for such a wonderful, healing experience at this past weekend’s Family Program. As an ex-spouse, I was originally not planning on attending at all. For my own protection, I didn’t think it was my place, any longer, to be a part of my ex’s recovery in a close, intimate way any longer. Therefore, I didn’t think it would have been appropriate for me to have attended the weekend program.
After talking to you, it helped me better understand what to expect and I trusted both your, and Dr. Q’s recommendation that I attend. Without knowing either of you, I knew that Dr. Q knew the situation and wouldn’t have recommended that I be there if it wasn’t a safe environment for me. I also truly had a peace from the Lord that I needed to go.
I work 40 hours a week as a single mom, so the thought of driving 5 hours down there, then spending my only 2 days off in the program, only to start another work week away from my child, did not sound appealing. BUT, the sacrifice was SO worth it and I knew I needed to do it!
Again, as an ex-spouse, there was a lot of fear and anxiety leading up to Saturday. I didn’t really know what to expect and didn’t know how it would go. I prayed A LOT about it all week, in preparation for what needed to take place. Saturday could not have gone better. There truly was SO much healing in being able to voice some of my experiences, pain and hear others’.
I have been praying for awhile now, about an opportunity to talk with my ex about some things and never have felt comfortable to talk to him just the two of us. This weekend was the best environment possible to have some difficult conversations. Mediated by Cyndie and Dr. Q and in a group setting, it was a win-win environment for us both.

Being able to see and get to know his therapists a bit and learn more about what his daily life and program looks like there at HBTS was just as helpful. I LOVED Dr. Q and thought both she and Cyndie did an outstanding job speaking truth in love to people and keeping things on track. I was impressed and grateful for the ways they are allowing God to use them and their past experiences and trials in others’ lives. A powerful example of allowing the Lord to take ashes and turn them into beauty.

Thank you for your help to get me there. I really wish I could have been Friday as well!! What a gift to have at least had Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for all that you do. Please send my gratitude and encouragement to Cyndie and Dr. Q as well.”
“I just wanted to again thank everyone involved for making our Family Program weekend such an enjoyable, emotional and wonderful learning experience for my sons and I. It was such an eye opener for me especially learning what a codependent father I had become, as I never realized how bad my codependency had gotten. I was trying to fix my son’s life for him and I know now that I can’t. He has got to do this on his own. As hard as it is for me to let him go, I’m trying and slowly but surely succeeding. It’s quite a relief for me.
Not to say the entire staff that weekend wasn’t wonderful, I just have to mention how much I loved listening to Dr. Q. Her enthusiasm and total devotion to what she does was amazing… what a star! She’s pretty darn funny, too.
I took a leap of faith in deciding to send my son to Hope By The Sea. I had seen it mentioned on the Intervention television program. I’m very happy I did. Meeting all of you was wonderful. You all are a gift from God and my son is blessed to have your care and support during his journey.
I love all you guys and thank you again for the experience.”
“…It was really nice meeting you and Penny the day we arrived. It helped me leave my son the first time I was there. The warmth and encouragement from both of you was very real to me. Now, after the Family Program, I feel more than ever that we made the right choice sending our son to Hope By The Sea. I feel so good about all that he is learning and pray that every bit of it sticks. The Family Program opened our eyes to the awful disease of addiction and we are determined to review, absorb and apply what we learned over the weekend. It is scary and alarming to know how evil it is, but I have to think that knowing your enemy is better than being naive, so I am choosing to take comfort in that.
I really wish my son’s older brother could have attended, as he would benefit greatly from the experience, both personally and as a supportive family member. Thankfully, he is very open to learning what we pass along to him. We also got him a “Courage to Change” book and hope to take him with us as often as possible when we go to Al-Anon meetings.
My husband and I loved the staff that we met. I have so much respect for each of them: Dr. Q, Cyndie, Pastor Dale, Dr. Stafford, Nicole, Jose and Kelly (not to mention the house managers, etc.). It felt like a 3 day intense counseling session. It will take us a while to process everything that was presented, but I plan on keeping my binder out and reviewing it often.
I hope and pray that our son will write you all himself someday with a wonderful testimony of victory in managing addiction. I don’t know how serious he was, but he even told me over the weekend that he wants to start a Celebrate Recovery group at our church. That would be SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!! I will let you know if that ever happens. 🙂

Love and blessings to you all.”

“Thanks to all staff for your efforts to ensure a valuable family weekend for my husband, son and I. The material presented is a tremendous resource and we feel very blessed to have the dedicated staff at Hope By The Sea walking together with us on this difficult journey. You and all of the “friends of Bill” continue to be in our prayers each day. Thank you for your witness and your dedication to our brothers and sisters who are suffering.”
“I can not tell you how much I enjoyed and benefited from the program!! It was the best thing I could have done, for both myself and my son. I was saddened to leave, because I don’t think I have ever experienced such understanding and acceptance from anyone, staff and participants alike. And I needed that. I needed to be OK with taking care of myself, and that is what I left with.
Since the weekend, I have put into practice many of the skills I learned at the workshop. I go to Al-Anon regularly. Unfortunately, many of the skills were tested when my son relapsed last week. Part of the program had dealt with relapse, and while you always hope it won’t happen, the statistics are grim. However, because of the program, I had the skills I needed to deal with this and get him back into rehab right away. We take it one day at a time, but my son is very committed to being back on program and I know that I will be able to be a positive support for him. I know that you are getting ready for your next Family Program and I hope that each and every family comes away with as much as I did.”
“My wife and I can’t find the words to express how much we appreciate what all of you have done for us and for our son over the past 90 days. We realize this is the first step in a long journey but you and your team have given us and our son the foundation and the tools to help us help him to regain a successful and sober life. Your staff treated all of us with dignity and respect while providing both the tough conversations and the good natured gentle direction needed to successfully complete your program. The 3 day Family Program provided us with the opportunity to learn, share, laugh and cry with other families who had loved ones in this program. It helped us to realize that we were not alone in the struggle, that our loved one’s addiction was not our fault, and provided a strong network of new friends for continuing support. Thanks again!”
“As a 15 year old, coping with a mother suffering from alcoholism was extremely difficult. My mom entered treatment at Hope By The Sea last December wanting to improve life for herself and her family, and to learn how to deal with her addiction. What seemed like any ordinary treatment program turned out to be far from it. The amount of dedication from the staff, their warm hospitality and good nature was inviting not only to the clients, but to the family members as well. They made us feel she was in good hands.
Fortunately, she has remained sober since treatment and it has been the best year and few months for as long as I can remember. She came out of treatment truly a happier person which has personally made my life so much better knowing that I’m growing up in a safer environment.
I participated in the Family Program last month and I’m so glad I did! In the first day alone I learned so much more about the disease of addiction than I could ever imagine. I learned about how alcohol and drugs affect the brain, which made it so much easier to understand the reality of the addiction. The second day, the best part for me was the “psycho drama” portion. This is where we set boundaries in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones. On the third day, we learned about forgiveness and the realities of relapse and how to prepare for it.
Throughout the entire program I loved being able to communicate and share stories with the other families. By talking with the other kids, one who was my age and the other a little younger, we were able to express our thoughts of addiction from a teenager’s point of view rather than someone who was coping with an addicted spouse or child. Overall, the experience was truly amazing and I would recommend the Family Program to anyone with a family member either in or out of treatment as it is informative for everyone and extremely kid friendly. Thank you Hope By The Sea for the gift of healing and recovery!!!”
“I think for me the Family Program experience was very personal and a great opportunity to learn from others experiencing the same situations. Everything I learned was educational and helped me obtain tools to help my daughter and myself. I try very hard not to panic or take things personal when I can’t reach her, but use what I learned in class to help me not jump to rescue mode. When I think she is struggling, I refer her to the tools she has been given. If one tool doesn’t work, than what is the next tool, step, or person for her to call. I am very proud of her and her willingness to fight this disease. My eyes have been opened to the fact addiction is a disease and she will always have to work through her addiction. I know she has been given the tools, and she will have to make healthy choices for the rest of her life.
As I sat and listened to others share their story, I learned we are not alone. Your Family Program helped me begin my own healing which is vital for every family. I do not know if this is a new program, but wish we had attended before. As a mother, I learned I have the right to express what I think, what I feel, and there are consequences, too, even if my daughter is an adult. I was always afraid if I said anything it would push her over the edge and be my fault. Through your drama time, my feelings and fears hidden deep inside were allowed to be expressed in love, and not anger. Also, I really appreciated the personal touch provided by Cyndie, Karin, and Dr. Q! Your wisdom, knowledge, personal experiences with addiction and recovery are truly amazing. You have such life long experiences and are a great support for us.
I want to add one more thing! For myself, healing only begins when you forgive yourself and ask God’s forgiveness. My daughter must forgive herself and allow God to help her grow and develop into the beautiful woman she truly is. Knowledge surrounds all of us and if we learn from our past experiences, good or bad, we can and will change. Sometimes we are too busy talking and don’t take time to listen to one another. Your education was amazing, but meeting these wonderful families, children, spouses, sisters and your Team will forever be etched in my heart. May God truly bless all of you for your loving, gentle kindness.”
“Thank you for the opportunity to write my feelings about the Family Program. Our family recovery has definitely been a trying and challenging time. But, so far it has been successful. I’m not sure I would have had any insight or preparation for this time without the Family Program. The messages and examples presented at the Family Program have been right on. I have told my loved one several times, “I don’t know how other families can get through this without some education into the disease of addiction.” The ramifications of addiction are so complex. The ramifications of recovery are equally complex. The affects on friends, family–all the relationships in the loved ones’ life, change. The Family Program provided insight as to why and how this happens. The program is so real. Most of the presenters have personal experience with addiction, either their own or a loved one’s. No theory here. The information provided is stark reality. The program provides information and coping tools. To me, it is a “must do” for the family of a loved one with the disease of addiction.”
“You can pick up any book and learn addiction is not just the user’s problem, that it’s a family problem. We found ourselves addicted to our son’s addiction, trying to manage every aspect of his life from helping him get up in the morning, to paying his bills, and everything you could think of in between. Without even realizing it, his addiction was taking a toll on every aspect of our lives as well.
My wife and I lay awake night after night worrying about where he was and waiting for a dreaded phone call. We begged him to get help…. yelling, screaming and demanding. You’d think I would know better how to handle the situation being a recovering addict myself. I have to admit it was easier to seek my own help and work a program, than to see my son deal with the devastation that had become his life.
Hope By The Sea’s Family Program is an absolute must for anyone desiring to fully understand the depth of the disease of addiction and how you can best equip your family to support your loved one. Often the case, what you think is the right thing to do is not the best thing for the addict’s recovery program. The Family Program guided us through that amazing realization, that each person is responsible for their own journey and as much as we want to, we can’t manage that journey.
Since experiencing that amazing weekend, my wife and I have been consistently practicing what we learned, including finding a home Al-Anon meeting that we attend weekly. Our son is thrilled we’re working our own programs, and I can’t emphasize that enough. He’s had several challenges throughout his 90 days of treatment, but for every challenge he’s faced, we’ve learned to listen and turn the challenge back to him to ultimately resolve. We are now working a healthy program of recovery and have begun to heal. We can only thank the Hope By The Sea Family Program for providing those guidelines.
We’d like to thank everyone at Hope: Penny, Ernie, Kelly, Cyndie, Nicole, Bryan, Dr Q, Dr Stafford, Frank, Karin, George, Jose, Pete, Candy and all of the house managers (we love you). I’m sure I’ve left some people off this list… just know we love you all. A special shout out to all the family members that we participated with in the program as well. And last but not least, to all the clients at Hope, you made the weekend amazing and you will always be in our thoughts and prayers.”
“There are not enough words to express the gratitude that I feel for what you are doing for my son. Your genuine care and compassion for what you do is evident in him. I was so afraid that I was going to lose him. I am so blessed to have been led to you, for you gave me hope in a dire situation. Your staff is second to none. The family program was so intense and informative that I feel it has forever changed my life. It opened up my eyes to see, and my heart to hope, for all the today’s as well as all the tomorrows to come. My son truly feels he has been given a second chance. He knows it’s going to be a lifelong challenge, but the tools and all the information you gave as well as the full time care you have in place helps tremendously. Thank you for all the time and effort you give to my son and to me. You all are a blessing, for you have given me back my son, for that alone I can never thank you enough. I just pray that if anyone is looking for a place for their loved one, that they would give you a call. I do not believe there is a better place to get the kind of care your people can give. As I said, words will never be enough to express my gratitude. Thank you.“
“I am still overwhelmed with all the events and traveling of the last few days, but I do know that this program was a great fit for us. The first program we attended was a good start, but this one certainly went beyond and focused on the things we really needed reinforced. Especially relapse and a more aggressive rehab. Thank you with all my heart.”
“Thanks to everyone who participated this weekend. I now appreciate more than ever how much work lies ahead. I just scheduled myself for an Al-Anon meeting tomorrow (using the material you printed for me).”
“The program is very informative and another reinforcement of how wonderful Hope By The Sea is! Each staff member has their own style and talent to deliver the information to us which was excellent. It was a perfect time for my husband and I to be here. We want to bring our other two children to experience it, too.”
“Thank you for all of the information, tools, time and compassion this staff has shared with us. This has been a wonderful and profitable experience. We know we are leaving our daughter in good hands.”
“Thank you for helping me increase my resolve to not enable and to take care of myself.”
“I thought the program was all wonderful and so, so beneficial. Thanks to all of the beautiful people at Hope By The Sea! I am forever grateful for your love!”
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We give hope. The miracle of recovery can be yours too!