California Residential Addiction Treatment
Full Service Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Hope by the Sea offers a full-service residential drug and alcohol rehab for women and men. Our inpatient residential treatment program is designed for people who need to get away from the fast-paced outside world in order to reflect and find serenity. Our treatment program integrates a well-rounded balance of individual and group therapy sessions, 12-step meetings, social activities, exercise, healthy meals and time for rest, relaxation and reflection. Learning these habits in everyday life is essential for people who are determined to succeed in their addiction recovery after the inpatient addiction program is complete.
Ongoing Support
The first step in our program is detox, which cleanses the body of the addictive substance. Once the intake and detox are complete, we offer residential treatment to provide a support system and more engaging program that our clients can rely on in early recovery. Our therapeutic and educational groups are designed to help individuals learn how to communicate honestly with themselves and others. We rely on the 12-step program as a basis for continual support, and offer meetings on the premises as well as letting clients go to outside meetings.
Our residential programs, including our heroin rehab, marijuana addiction, and alcohol treatment program, usually run between four and twelve weeks depending on the individual’s needs. Hope by the Sea’s beach side location provides the perfect atmosphere for individuals to get away from the daily struggles of life. If you or someone you love is struggling with drugs or alcohol, know that freedom from addiction is an achievable goal – help is just a phone call away.
Meeting Unique Needs
Sometimes individuals who suffer from mental illness develop dependence on chemical substances as well—in these cases, treatment must address the underlying medical issue as well as the addiction. Mental illnesses can cause mood swings, hormonal imbalances, and other issues from which a person seeks relief. When people find temporary emotional relief through narcotics or alcohol, addiction can set in. In our program, patients requiring medical or psychiatric attention can also find what they need with dual diagnosis and other therapeutic programs.
We have a serious commitment to helping find the root causes behind drug addiction and alcoholism. We provide dual diagnosis treatment for people suffering from issues such as manic depression, depression, anxiety, and other neuroses.
Our family owned California residential treatment center for men and women provides a safe environment in which addicts and alcoholics can identify issues that lead them back to self-destructive behaviors and learn how to define and cope with these issues. We encourage family members and loved ones to take part in the recovery process and support the individual who is struggling to overcome addiction or alcoholism. Every individual has unique needs and challenges — we have taken this into account, which makes our residential drug and alcohol rehab an option for people of all backgrounds.